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How to prepare Gajar Halwa(Carrot Pudding)


Serves 12                                                                                 Pressure Cooking time 0 minute

1.5 kgs Red carrots peeled and grated

½  cup milk

2 cups sugar

400 grams mava crumbled

7 tablespoons ghee

20 almonds blanched and sliced



1.       Put carrots and milk into a cooker

2.      Close cooker. Bring to full pressure on high heat. Remove cooker immediately from heat. Release pressure with slight lifting of vent weight. Open cooker.

3.       Place Cooker with carrots on high heat. Add sugar. Cook till liquid dries up( approximately 15 minutes), stirring occasionally. Add mava and ghee. Cook till ghee shows separately (approximately 10 minutes), stirring constantly. Serve hot, garnished with almonds and other dryfruits if you wish.

Now you can read this recipe in french language

Gajar Halwa (Pudding aux carottes)Sert 12 temps de cuisson sous pression 0 minute

1,5 kg de carottes rouges pelées et râpées

1/2 tasse de lait

2 tasses de sucre

400 grammes de mava émiettés

7 cuillères à soupe de ghee

20 amandes blanchies et tranchées


1. Mettre les carottes et le lait dans une cuisinière

2. Fermer la cuisinière. Mettre à pleine pression à feu vif. Retirer immédiatement la cuisinière du feu. Relâchez la pression avec un léger lifting du poids de l’évent. Ouvrez la cuisinière.

3. Placer la cuisinière avec les carottes à feu vif. Ajouter le sucre. Cuire jusqu’à ce que le liquide sèche (environ 15 minutes), en remuant de temps en temps. Ajouter la mava et le ghee. Cuire jusqu’à ce que le ghee s’affiche séparément (environ 10 minutes), en remuant constamment. Servir chaud, garni d’amandes et d’autres fruits secs si vous le souhaitez.


Recipe for Pineapple Pie

for 4 persons . 

Time taken to make: 30 minutes  


1 cup sugar lingerie

     2 cups of pineapple chopped into small pieces,

     2 small spoons lemon juice,

     1 cup of water . 


Put water and pineapple pieces in a pot and boil, unload on the melting.  Now put sugar in a heavy fried frying pan and keep on fire and keep running together. When the sugar dissolves brown, put lemon juice and pineapple and play till it thickens, as well as press the pineapple pieces lightly, when the mixture thickens, put it in a beautiful mould and let it cool and keep it in the refrigerator for 3 -4 hours.  Offer to eat when cooled.  

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